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Opinion | ‘Have the guts to cut’ your emails
Writing business communication is not the same as writing a novel.
Write on: complex is not clever
Mention of “flesh” and “Kincaid” bring to mind young people and the ocean, and the pop hit Dreams Are Ten A Penny.
Opinion | Cursive Christmas greetings
Merry Christmas. Early I know, but this is my last effort for the year. Yuletide is an appropriate period for a column devoted to business writing.
Dear I don’t really care
Tone is everything in communication and in business letters and emails it is important to nail the introduction.
How jargon is destroying our language
“In the recent evaluation by the Australian Council for Educational Research, school and community members reported that Direct Instruction was having a positive impact on student outcomes, but the researchers were not yet able to say whether or not the initiative has had an impact on student learning.”
The fear of a business changing name
The Beatles auditioned for Decca on January 1, 1962 performing 15 songs in just under an hour.
For want of better knowledge
The intention of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s innovation statement last year was to drive an “ideas boom”.
Message in a battle
Much has been made in the battle for political ascendancy of “staying on message”.
Coin a phrase
As my Irish friends are fond of saying since the incident a few years ago, “Laysus”.
About Halage
Darrell Croker
Extensive career in mainstream national and regional newspapers.
Highly experienced editor and writer with strong networks across media, government, and corporate sectors.
Understands the value of clear, accurate and concise communication, especially when conveying detailed information.