Updates and stories
Opinion | Book in father’s day
It was a happy old year for me, especially in the lead-up to Christmas when I spent some time with a 90-year-old aunt.
Opinion | It’s time for a spell
The Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism are presented annually in Australia to recognise and reward excellence in the craft.
Opinion | Ghost in the machine
In August, federal education minister Simon Birmingham vowed to take action when confronted with the results of this year’s NAPLAN literacy tests showing a decline in writing skills among school students.
Opinion | Model behaviour required
“Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won’t be around much longer!”
Opinion | Move right along
The Commonwealth Bank Board announced on August 8 it would strip the short-term bonuses to be paid to senior executives, and cut fees paid to directors by a fifth, as it battled the fallout from allegations it had breached money-laundering and terrorist-financing laws more than 50,000 times.
Opinion | How to avoid a covfefe kerfuffle
US President Donald Trump’s “Poland speech” earlier this month was statesmanlike, lauding the resilience of that nation, and reinforcing the importance of upholding the legacy of Western civilisation.
Opinion | Tone it up
Language is a core element of an organisation’s culture. It’s important to recognise this and for your brand to adopt a suitable tone of voice.
Opinion | It pays dividends to check
This column was written on the night of the federal budget, so matters pertaining to the economy were to the fore.
Opinion | Pause for thought
Punctuation has certainly made its mark over the centuries, even before Venetian printer Aldus Manutius formalised all those little marks in the late-15th century.
About Halage
Darrell Croker
Extensive career in mainstream national and regional newspapers.
Highly experienced editor and writer with strong networks across media, government, and corporate sectors.
Understands the value of clear, accurate and concise communication, especially when conveying detailed information.